DE | EN | IT

Absolutely the best possible tour of Berlin! Our guide, Hilke, left us excited and overwhelmed with her knowledge and love for the city. She is highly professional, intelligent, knowledgeable, with an amazing sense of humor that is so charmingly true German! We loved every moment of this tour and will never forget it!
Thank you, Hilke!
Alan Heshel, United States,
Juni 2024

Hilke led the best tour of Berlin highlights - exceeding our expectations. She was very flexible to our needs. Her many years in Berlin provided an extra personal layer to the history of the area! And we saw bunnies and a fox - certainly not what we expected in a busy, vibrant city center!
Annie Ellis, United States,
Juni 2024

We had a wonderful day with Hilke . Very knowledgeable and a wonderful warm personality. Great sense of humour and combined the history with present day life . Highly recommend this guide.
Heather Cheyne, United States,
Mai 2024

Hilke's local and historical knowledge is vast.
She is pleasant, fluent in multiple languages, diplomatic, and, most important, knows more about her subject areas than we had time to discuss. We were a group of 5 with non-stop questions about German history, culture, food, art, our week's itinerary, and more; and Hilke addressed them all, explaining past events and how historians view them today. I wish we had more time to spend with Hilke. She's a gem!
Beth Gregg, United States,
Mai 2024

I booked Mrs Gerdes for some of my VIP clients and they were super happy with her services.
My clients spent a wonderful day with her ,a professional, dynamic and well informed tourist guide.
Mrs Gerdes is passionate about the city where she lives as well as about her job. She not only knows the history of Berlin so well, but she gives information that she has picked up that would not be part of what one learns on regular tours. I would highly recommend any tourist to spend time in Berlin with her.
N.N. Italien
April 2024

Hilke is a fabulous guide! We loved our Berlin Half Day City tour with her. Hilke was entertaining, informative and flexible. We strongly recommend her if you want to learn about Berlin now and in the past.
Michelle McGregor, Australien,
Okt. 2023

Very enjoyable guiding experience
Lewis Remele, United States
Sept. 2023

Hilke gave our family of 9 a wonderful tour of Berlin. She customized the tour for us and was very knowledgeable. I highly recommend her.
Steven Schleier, United States
Aug. 2023

Hilke was knowledgeable & fun. [...] This was a great tour of the highlights of Museum Island. Coming to Berlin? Book this tour.

Michael Hetsler, United States,

Juni 2023

She was FANTASTIC! She did a lot of pre-work to make sure I received the perfect tour based on my specific requests. Extremely knowledgeable and flexible on the fly. I really enjoyed spending the day with her and learned so much about Berlin!
Holly Linton, United States, Sept. 2022

Wow! Hilke was amazing! Our teenagers were dreading their third tour in 10 days. Hilke was able to adapt our tour to start in the neighborhood where they could see street art and then took us to see the sites that were interesting to them. She gave high level overviews but answered details when we asked. She has an incredible energy that got our kids interested. I wish we could bring her to every city! This is our 4th private tour and by far the best.
Tracie Kiachian, United States, Aug. 2022

Hilke was simply fantastic. Detailed knowledge of all of Berlin both past and current. Went out of her way to meet all of our needs. Would highly recommend. She was such a pleasure to have as our guide. Hope to see her again.

Ron Karpinsky, United States, Juni 2022

Herzlichen Dank noch einmal für die Führung. Es gab nur positive Rückmeldungen, alle waren sehr begeistert!
Internationale Konferenzteilnehmer, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Okt. 2021

Hilke's the best. Recommend her highly.
Harold Rosenberg, United States, Sept. 2021

If you want to see Berlin in its present glory - you need to see it through a tour with Hilke! She is absolutely amazing!  ... I cannot recommend Hilke enough!
Peter Connelly, United States, Dez. 2019

Hilke was a delight to spend our first full day in Berlin with!
Ellen Patton, United States, Sept. 2019

… she is a terrific guide, extremely knowledgeable about history, art & architecture …
Katherine McInnes, Australien, Okt. 2019

One of the best tour guides we have ever used! A great start for a Berlin visit!
William Black, United States, Sept. 2019

Hilke is amazing! Very passionate about her city and Germany's history … We strongly recommend her.

Jorge Margain, Mexiko, Sept. 2019

Hilke proved to be an excellent guide creating a vivid and memorable journey around Berlin, based on our request to see some of the less well known sites and the street art of the city.
Adrian Savage, UK, September 2019

Hilke's knowledge, love for the city and kindness are first rate!
Mark Houghton, United States, Juni 2019

Hilke was a fantastic guide ... extremely knowledgeable ... very personable and friendly and just fun to walk and talk with.
David Albert, United States, April 2019

Incredible tour! Hilke was extremely knowledgeable, friendly and made our time with her most enjoyable.
Peter Atkinson, UK, April 2019

... I am glad we were able to spend a full day with Hilke!
Karen Smart, United States, März 2019

... She is a lovely person and made us feel very welcome.
Richard Morgan, United States, Okt. 2018

Hilke was a WONDERFUL guide ... It is hard to imagine a better guide to the highlights of vibrant Berlin.
James Hargrove, United States, Sept. 2018

Wonderful experience ... Highly recommended.
Janet Simula, August 2018

... She is hugely knowledgable and experienced, sociable and with lovely humour as well ...
Karen Lubner, United States, Juni 2018

Wonderful day, Hilke was like touring with a very well informed friend ...                   
Margaret Eldred, United States, Mai 2018

... We had her focus on the 1930's to mid 1940's, and she was extremely knowledgeable about all of the historical events, as well as the cultural and psychological issues during that time ... 
Colleen Harker, United States, Mai 2018

... Knowlegeable, professional and funny. Very engaging. She made a special effort to include our younger daughter which we all appreciated. We would give her the highest of recommendations.                     
Kerry Wangberg, United States, April 2018

... We REALLY enjoyed her company and feel as if we have a friend in Germany for life! Most highly recommended!
Kevin Roche, United States,  Dez. 2017

... We found Hilke to be both warm and accommodating as she shared her vast knowledge and enthusiasm of both cities with us ...
James Lewenauer, United States, Okt. 2017

Hilke was a fantastic guide in every way. She was deeply knowledgeable, sensitive and highly responsive ...
Dan Ross, United States, Okt. 2017

I highly recommend Hilke. She is extremely knowledgeable, friendly and efficient ...
Sarah Henderson, United States, Okt. 2017

Hilke made our Autumn day in Berlin most enjoyable ...
Richard Bartlam, United States
Okt. 2017

... Hilke was fun and personable, very organized, knowledgable, and informative ...
Edwin Ward, United States, Okt. 2017

Hilke was a wonderful guide who made our first trip to Berlin memorable. We were impressed with her ability ...
Deborah Burroughs, United States, Sept. 2017

... more



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Absolutely the best possible tour of Berlin! Our guide, Hilke, left us excited and overwhelmed with her knowledge and love for the city. She is highly professional, intelligent, knowledgeable, with an amazing sense of humor that is so charmingly true German! We loved every moment of this tour and will never forget it!
Thank you, Hilke!
Alan Heshel, United States,
Juni 2024

Hilke led the best tour of Berlin highlights - exceeding our expectations. She was very flexible to our needs. Her many years in Berlin provided an extra personal layer to the history of the area! And we saw bunnies and a fox - certainly not what we expected in a busy, vibrant city center!
Annie Ellis, United States,
Juni 2024

We had a wonderful day with Hilke . Very knowledgeable and a wonderful warm personality. Great sense of humour and combined the history with present day life . Highly recommend this guide.
Heather Cheyne, United States,
Mai 2024

Hilke's local and historical knowledge is vast.
She is pleasant, fluent in multiple languages, diplomatic, and, most important, knows more about her subject areas than we had time to discuss. We were a group of 5 with non-stop questions about German history, culture, food, art, our week's itinerary, and more; and Hilke addressed them all, explaining past events and how historians view them today. I wish we had more time to spend with Hilke. She's a gem!
Beth Gregg, United States,
Mai 2024

I booked Mrs Gerdes for some of my VIP clients and they were super happy with her services.
My clients spent a wonderful day with her ,a professional, dynamic and well informed tourist guide.
Mrs Gerdes is passionate about the city where she lives as well as about her job. She not only knows the history of Berlin so well, but she gives information that she has picked up that would not be part of what one learns on regular tours. I would highly recommend any tourist to spend time in Berlin with her.
N.N. Italien
April 2024

Hilke is a fabulous guide! We loved our Berlin Half Day City tour with her. Hilke was entertaining, informative and flexible. We strongly recommend her if you want to learn about Berlin now and in the past.
Michelle McGregor, Australien,
Okt. 2023

Very enjoyable guiding experience
Lewis Remele, United States
Sept. 2023

Hilke gave our family of 9 a wonderful tour of Berlin. She customized the tour for us and was very knowledgeable. I highly recommend her.
Steven Schleier, United States
Aug. 2023

Hilke was knowledgeable & fun. [...] This was a great tour of the highlights of Museum Island. Coming to Berlin? Book this tour.

Michael Hetsler, United States,

Juni 2023

She was FANTASTIC! She did a lot of pre-work to make sure I received the perfect tour based on my specific requests. Extremely knowledgeable and flexible on the fly. I really enjoyed spending the day with her and learned so much about Berlin!
Holly Linton, United States, Sept. 2022

Wow! Hilke was amazing! Our teenagers were dreading their third tour in 10 days. Hilke was able to adapt our tour to start in the neighborhood where they could see street art and then took us to see the sites that were interesting to them. She gave high level overviews but answered details when we asked. She has an incredible energy that got our kids interested. I wish we could bring her to every city! This is our 4th private tour and by far the best.
Tracie Kiachian, United States, Aug. 2022

Hilke was simply fantastic. Detailed knowledge of all of Berlin both past and current. Went out of her way to meet all of our needs. Would highly recommend. She was such a pleasure to have as our guide. Hope to see her again.

Ron Karpinsky, United States, Juni 2022

Herzlichen Dank noch einmal für die Führung. Es gab nur positive Rückmeldungen, alle waren sehr begeistert!
Internationale Konferenzteilnehmer, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Okt. 2021

Hilke's the best. Recommend her highly.
Harold Rosenberg, United States, Sept. 2021

If you want to see Berlin in its present glory - you need to see it through a tour with Hilke! She is absolutely amazing!  ... I cannot recommend Hilke enough!
Peter Connelly, United States, Dez. 2019

Hilke was a delight to spend our first full day in Berlin with!
Ellen Patton, United States, Sept. 2019

… she is a terrific guide, extremely knowledgeable about history, art & architecture …
Katherine McInnes, Australien, Okt. 2019

One of the best tour guides we have ever used! A great start for a Berlin visit!
William Black, United States, Sept. 2019

Hilke is amazing! Very passionate about her city and Germany's history … We strongly recommend her.

Jorge Margain, Mexiko, Sept. 2019

Hilke proved to be an excellent guide creating a vivid and memorable journey around Berlin, based on our request to see some of the less well known sites and the street art of the city.
Adrian Savage, UK, September 2019

Hilke's knowledge, love for the city and kindness are first rate!
Mark Houghton, United States, Juni 2019

Hilke was a fantastic guide ... extremely knowledgeable ... very personable and friendly and just fun to walk and talk with.
David Albert, United States, April 2019

Incredible tour! Hilke was extremely knowledgeable, friendly and made our time with her most enjoyable.
Peter Atkinson, UK, April 2019

... I am glad we were able to spend a full day with Hilke!
Karen Smart, United States, März 2019

... She is a lovely person and made us feel very welcome.
Richard Morgan, United States, Okt. 2018

Hilke was a WONDERFUL guide ... It is hard to imagine a better guide to the highlights of vibrant Berlin.
James Hargrove, United States, Sept. 2018

Wonderful experience ... Highly recommended.
Janet Simula, August 2018

... She is hugely knowledgable and experienced, sociable and with lovely humour as well ...
Karen Lubner, United States, Juni 2018

Wonderful day, Hilke was like touring with a very well informed friend ...                   
Margaret Eldred, United States, Mai 2018

... We had her focus on the 1930's to mid 1940's, and she was extremely knowledgeable about all of the historical events, as well as the cultural and psychological issues during that time ... 
Colleen Harker, United States, Mai 2018

... Knowlegeable, professional and funny. Very engaging. She made a special effort to include our younger daughter which we all appreciated. We would give her the highest of recommendations.                     
Kerry Wangberg, United States, April 2018

... We REALLY enjoyed her company and feel as if we have a friend in Germany for life! Most highly recommended!
Kevin Roche, United States,  Dez. 2017

... We found Hilke to be both warm and accommodating as she shared her vast knowledge and enthusiasm of both cities with us ...
James Lewenauer, United States, Okt. 2017

Hilke was a fantastic guide in every way. She was deeply knowledgeable, sensitive and highly responsive ...
Dan Ross, United States, Okt. 2017

I highly recommend Hilke. She is extremely knowledgeable, friendly and efficient ...
Sarah Henderson, United States, Okt. 2017

Hilke made our Autumn day in Berlin most enjoyable ...
Richard Bartlam, United States
Okt. 2017

... Hilke was fun and personable, very organized, knowledgable, and informative ...
Edwin Ward, United States, Okt. 2017

Hilke was a wonderful guide who made our first trip to Berlin memorable. We were impressed with her ability ...
Deborah Burroughs, United States, Sept. 2017

... more



Absolutely the best possible tour of Berlin! Our guide, Hilke, left us excited and overwhelmed with her knowledge and love for the city. She is highly professional, intelligent, knowledgeable, with an amazing sense of humor that is so charmingly true German! We loved every moment of this tour and will never forget it!
Thank you, Hilke!
Alan Heshel, United States,
Juni 2024

Hilke led the best tour of Berlin highlights - exceeding our expectations. She was very flexible to our needs. Her many years in Berlin provided an extra personal layer to the history of the area! And we saw bunnies and a fox - certainly not what we expected in a busy, vibrant city center!
Annie Ellis, United States,
Juni 2024

We had a wonderful day with Hilke . Very knowledgeable and a wonderful warm personality. Great sense of humour and combined the history with present day life . Highly recommend this guide.
Heather Cheyne, United States,
Mai 2024

Hilke's local and historical knowledge is vast.
She is pleasant, fluent in multiple languages, diplomatic, and, most important, knows more about her subject areas than we had time to discuss. We were a group of 5 with non-stop questions about German history, culture, food, art, our week's itinerary, and more; and Hilke addressed them all, explaining past events and how historians view them today. I wish we had more time to spend with Hilke. She's a gem!
Beth Gregg, United States,
Mai 2024

I booked Mrs Gerdes for some of my VIP clients and they were super happy with her services.
My clients spent a wonderful day with her ,a professional, dynamic and well informed tourist guide.
Mrs Gerdes is passionate about the city where she lives as well as about her job. She not only knows the history of Berlin so well, but she gives information that she has picked up that would not be part of what one learns on regular tours. I would highly recommend any tourist to spend time in Berlin with her.
N.N. Italien
April 2024

Hilke is a fabulous guide! We loved our Berlin Half Day City tour with her. Hilke was entertaining, informative and flexible. We strongly recommend her if you want to learn about Berlin now and in the past.
Michelle McGregor, Australien,
Okt. 2023

Very enjoyable guiding experience
Lewis Remele, United States
Sept. 2023

Hilke gave our family of 9 a wonderful tour of Berlin. She customized the tour for us and was very knowledgeable. I highly recommend her.
Steven Schleier, United States
Aug. 2023

Hilke was knowledgeable & fun. [...] This was a great tour of the highlights of Museum Island. Coming to Berlin? Book this tour.

Michael Hetsler, United States,

Juni 2023

She was FANTASTIC! She did a lot of pre-work to make sure I received the perfect tour based on my specific requests. Extremely knowledgeable and flexible on the fly. I really enjoyed spending the day with her and learned so much about Berlin!
Holly Linton, United States, Sept. 2022

Wow! Hilke was amazing! Our teenagers were dreading their third tour in 10 days. Hilke was able to adapt our tour to start in the neighborhood where they could see street art and then took us to see the sites that were interesting to them. She gave high level overviews but answered details when we asked. She has an incredible energy that got our kids interested. I wish we could bring her to every city! This is our 4th private tour and by far the best.
Tracie Kiachian, United States, Aug. 2022

Hilke was simply fantastic. Detailed knowledge of all of Berlin both past and current. Went out of her way to meet all of our needs. Would highly recommend. She was such a pleasure to have as our guide. Hope to see her again.

Ron Karpinsky, United States, Juni 2022

Herzlichen Dank noch einmal für die Führung. Es gab nur positive Rückmeldungen, alle waren sehr begeistert!
Internationale Konferenzteilnehmer, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Okt. 2021

Hilke's the best. Recommend her highly.
Harold Rosenberg, United States, Sept. 2021

If you want to see Berlin in its present glory - you need to see it through a tour with Hilke! She is absolutely amazing!  ... I cannot recommend Hilke enough!
Peter Connelly, United States, Dez. 2019

Hilke was a delight to spend our first full day in Berlin with!
Ellen Patton, United States, Sept. 2019

… she is a terrific guide, extremely knowledgeable about history, art & architecture …
Katherine McInnes, Australien, Okt. 2019

One of the best tour guides we have ever used! A great start for a Berlin visit!
William Black, United States, Sept. 2019

Hilke is amazing! Very passionate about her city and Germany's history … We strongly recommend her.

Jorge Margain, Mexiko, Sept. 2019

Hilke proved to be an excellent guide creating a vivid and memorable journey around Berlin, based on our request to see some of the less well known sites and the street art of the city.
Adrian Savage, UK, September 2019

Hilke's knowledge, love for the city and kindness are first rate!
Mark Houghton, United States, Juni 2019

Hilke was a fantastic guide ... extremely knowledgeable ... very personable and friendly and just fun to walk and talk with.
David Albert, United States, April 2019

Incredible tour! Hilke was extremely knowledgeable, friendly and made our time with her most enjoyable.
Peter Atkinson, UK, April 2019

... I am glad we were able to spend a full day with Hilke!
Karen Smart, United States, März 2019

... She is a lovely person and made us feel very welcome.
Richard Morgan, United States, Okt. 2018

Hilke was a WONDERFUL guide ... It is hard to imagine a better guide to the highlights of vibrant Berlin.
James Hargrove, United States, Sept. 2018

Wonderful experience ... Highly recommended.
Janet Simula, August 2018

... She is hugely knowledgable and experienced, sociable and with lovely humour as well ...
Karen Lubner, United States, Juni 2018

Wonderful day, Hilke was like touring with a very well informed friend ...                   
Margaret Eldred, United States, Mai 2018

... We had her focus on the 1930's to mid 1940's, and she was extremely knowledgeable about all of the historical events, as well as the cultural and psychological issues during that time ... 
Colleen Harker, United States, Mai 2018

... Knowlegeable, professional and funny. Very engaging. She made a special effort to include our younger daughter which we all appreciated. We would give her the highest of recommendations.                     
Kerry Wangberg, United States, April 2018

... We REALLY enjoyed her company and feel as if we have a friend in Germany for life! Most highly recommended!
Kevin Roche, United States,  Dez. 2017

... We found Hilke to be both warm and accommodating as she shared her vast knowledge and enthusiasm of both cities with us ...
James Lewenauer, United States, Okt. 2017

Hilke was a fantastic guide in every way. She was deeply knowledgeable, sensitive and highly responsive ...
Dan Ross, United States, Okt. 2017

I highly recommend Hilke. She is extremely knowledgeable, friendly and efficient ...
Sarah Henderson, United States, Okt. 2017

Hilke made our Autumn day in Berlin most enjoyable ...
Richard Bartlam, United States
Okt. 2017

... Hilke was fun and personable, very organized, knowledgable, and informative ...
Edwin Ward, United States, Okt. 2017

Hilke was a wonderful guide who made our first trip to Berlin memorable. We were impressed with her ability ...
Deborah Burroughs, United States, Sept. 2017

... more